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With over 3,000 colleges to choose from and growing competition for admission, the college search and application process has become extremely complicated. Choosing the right college can be challenging and time consuming. At Knudson College Consulting we partner with you to make the experience manageable and ensure that it is an exciting journey for you.


Knudson College Consulting is a comprehensive college counseling service located in Saint Paul, Minnesota. We provide strategy, guidance, project management, and consultation to students and parents through the college preparation, search, application, and admissions process. We work with students as individuals beyond the classroom, to help them find a college that helps open the door to their futures. We advise parents, too, smoothing this complex process and serving as an extra resource and advocate on your family journey.


At Knudson College Consulting, we provide direction and advice for the college search and selection process. The college search starts with exploring the student’s college goals and culminates in a “college list” tailored to the student’s goals and the family’s financial situation. The application process includes an application deadline chart, essay brainstorming and feedback, and reviewing completed applications. Although there are no guarantees of admission to any school, a student can increase his or her chances of finding a best college match with thorough research and planning. At Knudson College Consulting we:

  • Provide an objective perspective on the college admissions process.
  • Learn what your dreams, abilities, and goals are by talking to you in depth.
  • Learn more about you by reviewing your school transcript, testing history, and extracurricular activities.
  • Prepare an individualized college list based upon data collected from the personal interview, academic record, test scores, Student Survey, and Parent Survey.
  • Provide you and your family with a timeline for college planning to help you stay on top of the process.
  • Brainstorm ideas for both your college essays and supplemental essays, and help you edit them.
  • Refine your Activities Profile.
  • Advise you on campus visits and conduct mock interviews.
  • Review the Common Application and any Supplemental Applications.
  • Provide an independent voice that serves as a bridge between parent and child.
  • Help you choose the right college once your decision letters arrive.